Beyond Mere Affect: From Nietzsche to Kant
Thursday 30 January, 2014
6 - 8pm, $0
New School, Kaplan Hall
66 West 12 Street, Room A510
Andrew Benjamin will give a talk entitled: “Beyond Mere Affect: From Nietzsche to Kant”
Andrew Benjamin is Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Thought at Monash University, Melbourne and Distinguished Anniversary Professor of Philosophy and The Humanities at Kingston University in London. His publications include Working with Walter Benjamin; Recovering a Political Philosophy; EUP 2013, Place, Commonality; and Judgment: Continental Philosophy and the Ancient Greeks; Of Jews and Animals; and Style and Time: Essays on the Politics of Appearance. He is on the Executive Committee of the International Walter Benjamin Gesellschaft.
Abstract. Throughout Kant’s writings then figure of Epicurus names a philosophical project that locates affect at its centre. For Kant the affective cannot ground the possibility of morality. Within Nietzsche’s philosophical project the centrality of affect is unequivocal. It as though a certain Epicurus returns. The aim of this lecture is to think through the possibility that Kant’s engagement with Epicurus will allow for a response to Nietzsche.
The New School for Social Research's Philosophy Department sponsors the Thursday Night Workshop series throughout the Spring 2014 semester.