Screenings: Interviews with Lucy Lippard and Nancy Spero

Introduction by Kate Horsfield

Thursday 16 January, 2014
7pm, $5

Artists Space, Books and Talks
55 Walker Street

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Lyn Blumenthal and Kate Horsfield, 63min 36sec

Nancy Spero: An Interview, 1982
Lyn Blumenthal and Kate Horsfield, 35min

On Art and Artists Series. Lucy Lippard: What Follows…, 1987
University of Colorado, 18min 25sec

Lyn Blumenthal and Kate Horsfield, in their founding Video Data Bank series, interviewed writer, critic, feminist, and art historian Lucy Lippard soon after the publication of her essential book on conceptual art, Six Years: the dematerialization of the art object from 1966 to 1972. The book remains a touchstone of extraordinary scope, while these videos, keeping with the medium’s purpose-driven roots, concentrate on Lippard’s politics. Blumenthal and Horsfield were art students themselves when they founded VDB with this interview series, and were fierce fans in their deployment of voices to create a validating discourse of women practitioners. Blumenthal and Horsfield’s 1982 interview with Nancy Spero begins with her decision to allow political events to determine what she chose to paint, and why. Spero, along with her partner Leon Golub, whose work appears in the exhibition, had a unique place in the factionalized 1980s New York art world, sustaining vibrantly engaged practices in a scene riven with competing agendas and freighted with political, philosophical, and market stakes. 

This program is preceded by Cinema Elaine.

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