Venezuela After Chávez: A Left Analysis of the Current Situation
Wednesday 29 January, 2014
7:30pm, $6
Brecht Forum at the Commons
388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn
December 8 marks the one-year anniversary in which Chávez made his last address to the Venezuelan people and designated Nicolas Maduro as his successor. Also, December 8 of this year were the elections for mayors and city councils in Venezuela, which the PSUV (Venezuela’s United Socialist Party) and allied forces won 76% of the mayoralties. What can the election results tell us about Venezuela in the post-Chávez era? How does a leftist analysis make sense of Maduro's presidency so far, especially given the economic war or problems, of inflation and shortages that Venezuela is currently facing?
Discussants: George Cicariello-Maher, assistant professor of Political Science at Drexel University and author of “We Created Chavez. A People’s History of the Venezuelan Revolution” and Greg Wilpert, freelance writer and adjunct professor of Political Science and author of “Changing Venezuela by Taking Power.”
Moderator: Gerardo Renique, associate professor of History at City College of the City University of New York and author of “Peru Time of Fear.”