Women, Soft Power, and the New Diplomacy: From the Cold War to Hillary Clinton
Tuesday 28 January, 2014
6 - 8pm, $0
Columbia University, International Affairs
420 West 118 Street, Room 1501
As political leaders increasingly rely on dialogue and normative power versus sanctions and warfare in inter-state relations, women have risen to the forefront of international affairs. A panel of diplomats, military officers, and historians will investigate the accelerating use of soft-power solutions in twenty-first century diplomacy and female leaders role in the trend.
Ambassador Fay Hartog-Levin, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands; Senior Advisor on Strategy and International Affairs, University of Chicago
Col. Stephanie J. Tutton, Executive Officer to the US Military Representative, U.S. Delegation to the NATO Military Committee
Alan Brinkley, Professor of History, Columbia University
Victoria de Grazia, Professor of History, Columbia University
Victoria Phillips, Lecturer in History, Columbia University
Alice Kessler-Harris, Professor of History, Columbia University