Readings from The Collected Poems Of Philip Lamantia

Wednesday 14 May, 2014
8 - 10pm, $8

The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church
131 East 10 Street

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Join us for a celebration of the publication of The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia (Unv. of California, 2013). The most important surrealist poet to emerge in the United States, and a major 20th-century American poet, Lamantia (1927-2005) was also associated with the Beat Generation and the San Francisco Renaissance. His poetry touches on an astonishing variety of subject matter, including alchemy, ornithology, Christian mysticism, Egyptology, Native American culture, ecology, and psychedelic experience.  Editors Garrett Caples and Andrew Joron will give a brief overview of Lamantia’s life and read from his work, along with an all-star cast of readers including Anselm Berrigan, Katy Lederer, John Coletti, Frank Sherlock, Brandon Downing, Elaine Equi, Dia Felix and Erin Morrill.

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